Brand you

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Welcome to my Your Business – Your Brand course.

Each step consists of a tutorial video, supporting study guide and step-by-step action list, as well as my personal resource library and brand guidelines template.

After watching each video and completing the attached study guide and action list click the link at the bottom of the page to move onto the next step.


Where to begin

How to begin creating a new business/brand


Who is your real customer?

What is a brand and how to define your real customer


What’s in a name

Learn how to create a powerful brand name and why.


How to create your brand story

Learn why it is critical to the success of your brand.


How to build a following

Learn how important it is to create a loyal following, when to create it and why.


Stand out from the crowd

Learn how to stand out from the crowd. And It has nothing to do with colour, design, or size.



Learn how to position or reposition your brand in the marketplace


Putting it all together

Learn how apply what we have covered to your brand.

*Resources Library

Here is my list of resources and links of free online tools that will make life a hell of a lot easier for you. (updated every week)

*Sample Brand Guide

I have put together a template you can download an adapt for your own brand.

*Action List: How to create your logo

What is a logo and how to begin creating one.

*COMING SOON: ‘How to’ reference toolkit

Everything from ‘how to’ create the perfect landing page and email funnel to ‘how to’ register a trademark.


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